Upcoming events

Bend, Don't Break: Backbends Workshop

Bend, Don't Break: Backbends Workshop

Join us at Thrive Pilates & Yoga for an empowering 90-minute workshop dedicated to exploring the transformative practice of backbending. Led by experienced instructor Victoria Rose, this workshop is designed for both beginners and seasoned practitioners looking to deepen their backbend practice.

Discover the exhilarating world of backbends as we delve into the fundamentals of safe and effective practice. With a focus on mobility and flexibility, you'll explore various techniques and tools for activating the back and opening the front body. You will learn how to incorporate these techniques into your regular practice to improve your spinal extension and allow you to safely access and sustain backbend poses.

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Beginner’s Reformer Workshop

Beginner’s Reformer Workshop

If you are curious about Pilates reformer classes but would like to get the basics down first, this workshop is for you! In this workshop, Allie will teach you the essentials of the reformer and standard exercises that you will come across in most classes. We will review how to use the equipment and breakdown movements to ensure correct form while moving through a thoughtful flow.
Space is limited to 7 participants for a semi-private feel. Book your spot now!

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healing sound bath & meditation with eunmi chang

healing sound bath & meditation with eunmi chang

Expect a deeply relaxing, meditative experience which will take you on a tranquil journey of healing and self discovery. Everything in this Universe, including our bodies, is composed of vibrations. During these Sound Bath Yoga infused Meditations, students will tune into those vibrations in order to achieve deep relaxation along with a profound sense of peace and well-being.

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Energitic Meditation Reset: Chakra Scan & Aura Expansion

Energitic Meditation Reset: Chakra Scan & Aura Expansion

Applicable to both the seasoned meditator and the practitioner newcomer, join us on this journey of exploring meditation's many sides. We will start with gentle movement, awareness, & breath to center. From there, we will go into our meditative work. In this month's session, Courtney will guide the group through a Chakra Scan to connect with our energy centers, and then go into an Aura Expansion Visualization. After each meditation practice, you will be guided through journaling prompts and a connective discussion.

How to prepare:
Dress in comfortable clothes for light movement, and please bring a journal, pen, and water. Bringing a yoga mat is also suggested.

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Breathwork with malarie

Breathwork with malarie

Heal and transform through the power of Breathwork with Malarie, a trauma-informed holistic healing modality used to safely lead you into non-ordinary states of consciousness.

Join Malarie on this journey of discovery, release, and healing and access increased energy, mental clarity, intuition and joy.

In these 90 minute sessions you will be guided through deep intentional breathing techniques with the use of sound, gentle touch and light energy work. This is where the magic happens as you release tension held in your Bodymind system, move through past memories, and gain access to new perspectives. The invitation is to keep an open heart and mind to the transformation and healing that you’ll have access to.

How to Prepare: Bring a journal, pen, chapstick and water. For 24 hours leading up, eat whole foods and hydrate.  If you have any specific needs, are under the direct supervision of a doctor or are pregnant, please reach out to Malarie at  contact@breathebodysoul.com

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Building an Abundance Mindset with Meditation and Mindfulness

Building an Abundance Mindset with Meditation and Mindfulness

Abundance is the energy of having enough, feeling supported, taken care of and fulfilled. With an abundance mindset, we attract more of what we desire and appreciate what we already have. If you're stuck in a feeling of lack or wanting more of anything in your life (material things, love, connection, etc), this workshop is for you.

Courtney will take you through a light movement and breath sequence before guiding you on your meditation journey to abundance. She'll lead you through journaling techniques and guided meditations to help you cultivate more abundance in your life.

How to prepare:
Dress in comfortable clothes for light movement, and please bring a journal, pen, and water. Bringing a yoga mat is also suggested.

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Advanced Reformer Workshop

Advanced Reformer Workshop

Are you ready to take your reformer class to the next level? Are you looking for a little more burn and sweat during class? Have you been feeling great in our level 2-3 classes and want more? This class is for you! Get ready to move during this fast-paced, challenging reformer class. We will be enhancing advance Pilates movements by putting a contemporary twist on them and adding props. Get ready to shake, sculpt, and sweat! 

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Jumpboard Pilates Reformer Pop-Up

Jumpboard Pilates Reformer Pop-Up

Have you been loving those 5-10 minutes in class when the instructor pulls out the jumpboard? Are you looking to add a little more cardio into your fitness routine? Then this class is for you! Join Chandler for a Jumpboard Pilates Reformer Pop-Up. You are sure to get your heart rate up during this exclusive jumpboard class. Don’t worry, you won’t be just laying down. You will explore new creative ways to use the jumpboard that will get all parts of the body burning! Expect lots of cardio burst and upbeat music to get you sweating during this class!

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Spring Equinox Yoga Flow & Restore

Spring Equinox Yoga Flow & Restore

An Equinox comes on the day where the amount of sunlight we receive is equivalent to the hours of moonlight. Symbolically, it is a reminder to balance these energies within ourselves- solar & lunar, heating & cooling, active & grounding, yang vs. yin.

Come join us in this balancing practice which will include 30 minutes of vigorous vinyasa flow, followed by 30 minutes of yin yoga's static holds.

Let it stand as a reminder that we should both use the energizing quality of the sun to activate, while also remembering to balance with slow, grounding self care that yin energy brings.

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Pre & Postnatal Pilates Reformer Pop-Up

Pre & Postnatal Pilates Reformer Pop-Up

This class is designed for any moms or soon to be moms! If you are feeling nervous about joining a reformer class during or after your pregnancy, and are unsure if the exercises are safe and effective for your body, Chandler is here to help. Come and get a great workout in while learning what to modify for you and your pre/postnatal body! This class is programmed specifically to help all our moms feel comfortable moving on a reformer and will teach you what modifications you can use in any other classes you join. No two pregnancies are the same, so if you need to discuss specifics before class come 5 min early!

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Breathwork with malarie

Breathwork with malarie

Heal and transform through the power of Breathwork with Malarie, a trauma-informed holistic healing modality used to safely lead you into non-ordinary states of consciousness.

Join Malarie on this journey of discovery, release, and healing and access increased energy, mental clarity, intuition and joy.

In these 90 minute sessions you will be guided through deep intentional breathing techniques with the use of sound, gentle touch and light energy work. This is where the magic happens as you release tension held in your Bodymind system, move through past memories, and gain access to new perspectives. The invitation is to keep an open heart and mind to the transformation and healing that you’ll have access to.

How to Prepare: Bring a journal, pen, chapstick and water. For 24 hours leading up, eat whole foods and hydrate.  If you have any specific needs, are under the direct supervision of a doctor or are pregnant, please reach out to Malarie at  contact@breathebodysoul.com

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Mindfulness Compassion & Self-Love Meditation Workshop

Mindfulness Compassion & Self-Love Meditation Workshop

Looking to fill your own cup this Valentine's season, so you're able to have it overflow towards others? Join Courtney in this meditation workshop to grow your confidence, compassion, and openness towards yourself and others.
We will start with light movement and breath to center ourselves, then go into our meditation work.
We will start with a Metta, or Loving Kindness meditation, originating from Buddhist mindfulness practices.
From there, we will move into an affirmation based meditation to enhance and amplify our feelings of benevolence towards ourselves and others.
Journaling and discussion will be infused between meditations to deepen the inner work.

How to prepare:
Dress in comfortable clothes for light movement, and please bring a journal, pen, and water.

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Arm Balances & Yoga Inversions Workshop

Arm Balances & Yoga Inversions Workshop

Join Julie Young in this 2-hour arm balance and inversion workshop! During this workshop, Julie will lead a brief warming flow with stretching and isometric exercises to support the advancement of arm balancing asanas. She will provide background and philosophy, break down alignment, and empower you to build confidence and strength within your practice. The workshop will include a breakdown of crow pose, side crow, firefly pose, 8-angle pose, eka pada koundinyasana, and more. Inversions include headstand, pincha mayurasana, handstand, and more. Get upside down and see your practice from a new perspective! All levels are welcome.

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The Polestar Pilates Experience: An Immersion Into the Science of Movement

The Polestar Pilates Experience: An Immersion Into the Science of Movement

Have you been curious about Pilates and how to become an instructor, or what a career in Pilates would look like? Are you interested in diving deeper into your Pilates practice and learning the ins and outs of your favorite exercises?

Join us in this workshop + Q&A led by Philadelphia's Polestar Pilates educator Isabel Artigues, where you'll dive deeper in some of the foundational mat Pilates exercises and will understand what goes on inside our unique Comprehensive Teacher Training (which is starting soon!). Polestar Pilates is an internationally-recognized school, and has training programs in more than 40 countries. Join the community of over 15,000 graduates worldwide and spread the power of Pilates!

Get ready to move and experience Pilates from the teacher's lens - you'll be sure to take some insights home!

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to Mar 2


The beginner series is a terrific introduction to start your yoga practice or deepen your existing practice. Our In Studio 6-week series teaches new students the fundamentals of yoga and provides a safe and engaging learning environment. Students learn yogic breathing, yoga postures, Eastern philosophy and relaxation techniques. The Beginners Series is taught in a sequential manner to help students build strength and flexibility. While pre-registration for the 6-week series is encouraged, drop-ins are more than welcome.

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meditation & manifestation

meditation & manifestation

What are you looking to call in this new year? Who do you envision yourself to be? Join Courtney for this 2 hour workshop to get clear on these ideas and work towards making them a reality. Whether you are a meditation and manifesting regular, or if this practice would be your first, all are welcome. We will start with some light movement and breath to align our energies, ground down with an orientation meditation, and then get to our manifestation work! Courtney will walk you through the steps of getting clear, challenging limiting beliefs, visualization meditation, affirmation, co-creation, and then guide you towards walking out with actions steps to move forward. I can't wait to see you there!

How to prepare:
Dress in comfortable clothes for light movement, and please bring a journal, pen, and water.

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Let It Snow: Special Edition Crystal Bowl Sound Bath

Let It Snow: Special Edition Crystal Bowl Sound Bath

Welcome to this special edition of our Singing Bowl Meditation series here at Thrive. “Let It Snow"” will be full 60 minute immersive sound baths (in Savasana pose) where we will let the vibrations of these special Crystal bowls slowly heal, restore and awaken us to our deepest, all-knowing, and all-welcoming selves. Through meditation, visualizations, breathing and these harmonic sounds we will push away the distractions and anxiety of everyday life and we will embrace the present so that we can find a state of quiet inner peace.

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Aligned action: 6 Proven Steps to creating Your Dream Life

Aligned action: 6 Proven Steps to creating Your Dream Life

Join us for Aligned Action, a transformative workshop where we'll go through 6 proven steps to creating your dream life. Led by Sam, a Certified Health and Wellness Coach, this unique workshop blends the art of self-discovery with the practical tools to guide you towards your dream life. You'll receive an interactive workbook to fill out during the workshop and leave with a personalized action plan. 

What to Expect:

1. Current Self Evaluation: Begin by understanding where you are on your life's path through self-assessment exercises.
2. Figuring Out Where You Want to Go: Clarify your dreams and aspirations through a future self visualization, journaling and goal setting.
3. Habit Audit: Dive into your current habits, identifying what serves you and what holds you back.
4. Creating Good Habits: Learn effective strategies for building positive habits that align with your goals.
5. Breaking Bad Habits: Uncover techniques to overcome obstacles and break free from habits that no longer serve you.
6. Building in Time for Reflection: Cultivate the habit of self-reflection to stay on track and evolve continuously.

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pelvic floor workshop with restore physical therapy

pelvic floor workshop with restore physical therapy

Hi! I am Dr. Victoria Clement, owner of Restore Physical Therapy and Pelvic Health in Manayunk. I started my business in 2021 after I was diagnosed with pelvic floor dysfunction after years of "mystery symptoms" that no physician could figure out. I was hooked on the idea that I could help people solve their own "mysteries". I also feel in love with the concept of helping patients have less (or no) pain during pregnancy, feel more prepared for birth, and recover quicker postpartum. Fast forward, I got my doula certification to better understand what happens in the delivery room and the mechanics of birth! I love what I do and educating others on how important pelvic health is.

I am looking forward to meeting each of you and helping educate you on how important it is to get to the bottom of your pelvic floor needs.

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Journey to the Heart Womxn's Circle

Journey to the Heart Womxn's Circle

What is blocking your heart from attracting love?

Dive into your heart space and uncover your energetic blockages. Through the support of the womxn in the circle, we will take a vulnerable and expansive journey into our experience of love. This two-hour workshop will include intention-setting, hip & heart-opening yin yoga, shadow work journaling prompts, and a secure space to discuss and reflect with the womxn around you. In this workshop, each circle member will have the opportunity to focus on self-love or romantic love. 

How to prepare: Please bring comfortable clothes, a yoga mat, journal, and a pen.

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beginner’s yoga Workshop

beginner’s yoga Workshop

This beginner’s workshop is a terrific introduction to start your yoga practice or deepen your existing practice, and teaches new students the fundamentals of yoga while providing a safe and engaging learning environment. Students learn yogic breathing, yoga postures, Eastern philosophy and relaxation techniques.

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Meditation & Mindful Self Care

Meditation & Mindful Self Care

Applicable to both the seasoned mindfulness practitioner and the meditation newcomer, join us in this journey of exploring meditation's many sides. Come ready for short, gentle movement, two different types of meditation practices, journaling, and discussion.

In this session our meditation types will be a Higher Self Visualization and Vipassana (Insight) Mental Noting.

How to prepare:
Dress in comfortable clothes for light movement, and please bring a journal, pen, and water.

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Reformer 101: An Introduction

Reformer 101: An Introduction

If you are curious about Pilates reformer classes but would like to get the basics down first, this workshop is for you! In this workshop you will learn the essentials of the reformer and standard exercises that you will come across in most classes. We will review how to use the equipment and breakdown movements to ensure correct form while moving through a thoughtful flow.
Space is limited to 7 participants for a semi-private feel. Book your spot now!

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Fall Equinox Fusion - Yin, Reiki, Nidra and Sound Immersion

Fall Equinox Fusion - Yin, Reiki, Nidra and Sound Immersion

Experience a transformative Fall Equinox workshop, where the healing practices of Yin yoga, Yoga Nidra, Reiki and Crystal Singing Bowls come together as an invitation to examine our lives, release what no longer serves us, and embrace personal growth. Fall Equinox can be seen as a time of letting go, just as the leaves fall from trees, making space for new beginnings and opportunities.

Whether you are a newcomer or an experienced practitioner, we extend a heartfelt invitation to join us in this immersive Fall Equinox workshop. Embrace the transformative power of yin yoga, reiki, crystal singing bowls, and Yoga Nidra as you embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and soul awakening.

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Arm Balances & Yoga Inversions Workshop

Arm Balances & Yoga Inversions Workshop

Join Julie Young in this 2-hour arm balance and inversion workshop! During this workshop, Julie will lead a brief warming flow with stretching and isometric exercises to support the advancement of arm balancing asanas. She will provide background and philosophy, break down alignment, and empower you to build confidence and strength within your practice. The workshop will include a breakdown of crow pose, side crow, fallen angel, firefly pose, 8-angle pose, flying split, chin stand, headstand, pincha mayurasana, and handstand. Get upside down and see your practice from a new perspective! All levels are welcome.

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Yoga on the green

Yoga on the green

Enjoy sweeping views of the city, a cool breeze and the sunshine while moving your body to the rhythm of your breath. Join Thrive Pilates & Yoga’s instructor Heather for an all levels yoga flow aimed to strengthen, stretch and balance your body. Please bring your own yoga mat and water!

This is a donation-based class with proceeds benefitting the School Mindfulness Project. Suggested donations are $5-$25, but all are welcome to pay what they wish.

When: Saturdays, May-September

Time: 9:30 AM

Location: CIRA Green Rooftop, 80 S 30th St, Philadelphia

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Apprentice Class: Open-Level Pilates Reformer
to Aug 12

Apprentice Class: Open-Level Pilates Reformer

An Open-Level Pilates Reformer class taught by a recent Pilates teacher training graduate. The best way for new teachers to learn is by getting practice teaching. This is a steeply discounted class with proceeds benefiting the School Mindfulness Project. We'll send a survey out after class so you can provide constructive feedback for the teacher to learn, grow and become an amazing new addition to our Thrive team!

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Apprentice Class: Pilates Mat

Apprentice Class: Pilates Mat

An Open-Level Pilates Mat class taught by a recent Pilates Teacher training graduate. The best way for new teachers to learn is by getting practice teaching. This is a steeply discounted class with proceeds benefiting the School Mindfulness Project We'll send a survey out after class so you can provide constructive feedback for the teacher to learn, grow and become an amazing new addition to our Thrive team!

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Polestar Pilates Teacher Training Open House

Polestar Pilates Teacher Training Open House

Thrive Pilates & Yoga will be hosting a Polestar Pilates Comprehensive Teacher Training starting July 15th and we're doing an Open House for anyone interested in learning more! Join us for a tour of the studio, meet & greet of some of our current students and graduates, and a Q&A with our educator Isabel Artigues. You might even learn about your movement potential and leave with some tips as to how to improve (you guessed it... Pilates!). Click the link below to sign up for free now, we look forward to meeting you!

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Pilates Springboard Training with Ellie Herman

Pilates Springboard Training with Ellie Herman

Come learn the ins and outs of the Pilates Springboard from Ellie Herman, the inventor of the Springboard herself, at Thrive Pilates & Yoga! Ellie has taught Pilates since 1991 and has published ten books, including professional Pilates training manuals that are used in teacher training programs all over the world. The Pilates Springboard is one half of the Cadillac and similar to a Tower. Arm Springs, Leg Springs and Roll Back Bar strengthen your limbs, articulate your spine and work your whole body. Learn Classical Pilates repertoire plus lots of original exercises developed by Ellie over the past 20 years. The Springboard lends itself to standing work and Ellie will be teaching her “Spring-Barre exercises" that include lots of lunging, squatting and arabesqueing with arm springs. This certification is tailored to current and aspiring movement instructors (yoga, Pilates, fitness, etc) but also open to the public.

Training can be completed in-studio or via Zoom.

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Candlelit Yin Yoga & Reiki

Candlelit Yin Yoga & Reiki

Balance out your Yang Vinyasa practice with a deep stretch of the connective tissue, tendons, and joints. Reiki energy will help to surrender and release habitual holding patterns in our tissues, muscles, and cells. Release, rejuvenate, and refocus as we look to our subtle bodies for loving awareness and show gratitude for all of the love that we have in our lives.

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We are returning for our 5th annual Pure Bliss Retreat and each year just keeps getting better! Here's a preview of what you can expect: Relax and revitalize with a daily movement and meditation practice overlooking the turquoise sea and under the bright blue skies. The rhythm of the waves will set the tone for your breath as the refreshing sea breeze kisses your skin.  Strengthen and stretch your body and your mind as Hally and Ella guide your Yoga, Pilates and Meditation practices--these three practices will facilitate a comprehensive, sustainable wellness routine that will enhance your life both on and off the mat. Indulge in fresh, nourishing, sustainable & local food, explore the beautiful surroundings, take a dip in our private pool or relax on our private beach with your toes in the sand. Luxuriate in opportunities for an oceanside spa treatment or opt to explore the surroundings with a local bike tour during your free time. Connect with an inspiring group of women through meaningful conversations and belly laughs.

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Embodied Flow & Reiki Workshop

Embodied Flow & Reiki Workshop

Reiki is an energy healing technique that activates the body's innate healing capabilities and supports physical and emotional well-being. During this workshop, Julie will lead you through intentional slow yoga movements to promote openness in each chakra, followed by meditation and reiki. Relax, reconnect, and restore balance within your emotional, physical, and spiritual body in our upcoming workshop.

*Recommend bringing a journal, water, and comfortable clothes.

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to Nov 19


Heal and transform through the power of Owaken Breathwork, a trauma-informed holistic healing modality used to safely lead you into non-ordinary states of consciousness. Join Malarie on this journey of discovery, release, and healing and access increased energy, mental clarity, intuition and joy. In this 90 minute session you will be guided through activation and restorative breathing techniques with the use of energy work, gentle touch, and sound. This is where the magic happens as you release tension held in your Bodymind system, move through past memories, and gain access to new perspectives. The invitation is to keep an open heart and mind to the transformation and healing that you’ll have access to.

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